Being in Nature for Self-Care
Day Trips

The Healing Power of Nature — The Ultimate Self-Care

I’m always amazed at the healing power of nature. It doesn’t matter what kind of day I’m having, or what mood I’m in — nature can pull me out of any funk.

I suppose that’s why I’ve gravitated to hiking so much. To walk amongst so much life and beauty one can’t help but feel grateful. To me, it’s the simplest way to restore my mind, body and soul. I love the feeling of the ground beneath my feet, breathing the fresh air and marveling at the world around me. Spending time daily in nature reminds me that there are still good things in this life.

We’re living in a time when stress and anxiety are at an all-time high. I personally struggle with this a lot as an empath, so I wanted to share some ideas on how nature can help you too:

? Revisit your special places in nature or find new ones.

? Plan your next road trip for reconnecting to nature.

? Take a half-day and go to the forest, go to the beach or a park. Be still and listen to the sounds of nature around you.

? Start a garden, plant a tree or buy a bouquet of flowers. If you know of someone else who’s struggling, invite them to join you.

? Take your family to a nearby state or national park, and witness the power of nature working its magic through all of you.

? Can’t break away? Designate a time each day to listen to nature sounds. (I love listening to @calm!)

? Even starting simply by taking a walk every morning or evening can do wonders!

Whatever it may be, step out of your daily routine and say hello to nature again. John Muir, the Father of the National Parks, said, “Keep close to nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.”

Do you believe in the power of nature? What other suggestions do you have to add?

Feisty, fun, outspoken mom to two boys and wife to an adventure-lovin' weekend warrior. Love my fam, lifting, hiking, animals, music, reading, sushi, beaches, sunshine & Jesus.