If you’ve been following our journey for any time at all, you know that we prefer to camp off-grid — and we aren’t the only ones! Boondocking has exploded in popularity over the past few years due in part to a large increase in the total number of RVers on the road, and the increasing number of resources available to help individuals identify great boondocking locations.
Why You Need to Visit Bridgeport, California
There are some places that just take your breath away. For us, that special place has always been Bridgeport, California. For the past five years, we've been coming here to unplug, recharge in nature, and soak in that fresh mountain air. So when we decided to transition from van life to Airstream living, we felt the best basecamp to get grounded and explore from what this charming small town in the Eastern Sierras.
Winter in Baja California, Mexico
Happy New Year, everyone! It's crazy to think that 2020 has come and gone. Thankfully, we were able to spend some time with family during the holidays. After six weeks off the road and plenty of van upgrade projects completed, we were ready to get back out there and explore!
Celebrate Your Adventures with Expedition Flag Co.’s Personalized Flags!
What better way to profess our family mantra, "Never Say Someday," than on our very own adventure flag? We recently partnered with Kate Stirling at Expedition Flag Co. to create our own banner to celebrate our adventures and record our achievements. Isn't it rad?!
Why You’ll Want to Camp at Todos Santos Hostel
As excited as we were to arrive in Todos Santos, we were surprised by how few places there are to camp in the area. We consulted with our iOverlander app, and reviews were pretty mixed too. The beach sites were pretty crowded and many had litter everywhere. One particular RV park near downtown had terrible reviews -- it was reportedly infested with fleas and had dirty bathrooms. ¡No gracias!
Experience the Magic of Loreto, Baja California Sur
Loreto is designated as a Pueblo Mágico, which are distinguished destinations in Mexico that are special in a cultural or historical way. It's also considered to be the first human settlement in Baja California. Between its natural beauty, cultural riches, historical relevance, and authentic charm it’s pretty obvious that this town is indeed magical!
Soak in the Oasis of Mulegé, Baja’s Colorful Colonial Town
Mulegé, a quiet little oasis in Baja Sur, is the perfect place to call home for a few days after soaking in San Ignacio. It’s a charming little town that attracts a lot of expats, snowbirds and travelers, as well as an ideal stop to regroup and resupply before heading to a beautiful beach area called Bahiá Concepíon.
Campground Review: San Diego Metro KOA
Before heading to Baja California Sur, we decided to stay a few days in San Diego. While camping in this sunny city offers pretty limited options, we had a fantastic stay at the San Diego Metro KOA in Chula Vista, Calif.
It’s Our Six-Month Nomadiversary!
It's hard to believe that six months ago today, we were tearfully waving goodbye to my parents, who were standing in front of our old home -- which was completely empty, having sold 99% of all of our things in the days prior. Our Sprinter van, recently converted into a livable space by Steven, was packed to the brim with what we had left: about two weeks worth of clothes, travel-sized toiletries, a backpack of toys and books for each kiddo, and our dog Ruby.
12 Kid-Friendly Things to Do in San Luis Obispo County
When you're in San Luis Obispo County, it's pretty hard to pick the BEST place to go -- because the entire region is amazing. In no particular order, check out these 12 activities that are sure to keep the whole family entertained on your trip to the Central Coast!