Venture Wipes camping
Gear Review

Van Life Gear Review: Venture Wipes

Here’s a truth bomb for ya… we take showers 1-2 a week! ? Yeah, yeah. Save the judgement until you decide to go live and travel in a van! ? While it’s not ideal for everyone, it’s the trade-off we make in order to seek out the most beautiful places to camp off-grid.

So when we weren’t at a campground with showers, or utilizing the ol’ bucket shower, we would use baby wipes. Unfortunately, you need to use a lot to get the whole body feelin’ clean, and as of recent, baby wipes have been a hot commodity that are damn near impossible to find in the store. Fortunately for us, we recently partnered with Venture Wipes to put their product to the test!

Not only are the Venture Wipes much bigger, the wipes are hypoallergenic and infused with all-natural ingredients like aloe, Vitamin E and tea tree oil. And if you didn’t know, the latter is antibacterial and anti-fungal.

I’ll be honest — we were pretty skeptical before we tried these. I mean, how much better can these be? Turns out, a LOT better than the alternative. Each wipe is individually packaged, so they never dry out. Plus, one wipe will literally get our whole body fresh and clean! (These even work for getting your pets clean, too!) We also like that these are biodegradable — and made by fellow full-time travelers!

Basically, Venture Wipes are a portable shower for wherever our adventures take us! ?? I highly recommend this product for after any outdoor or fitness activity. Click here to get your hands on these awesome wipes for your next outdoor adventure! ?

Feisty, fun, outspoken mom to two boys and wife to an adventure-lovin' weekend warrior. Love my fam, lifting, hiking, animals, music, reading, sushi, beaches, sunshine & Jesus.